Dropsa VIP 5
- 3 Operating Modes
- Suspend Function
- Status Save Feature
- Boost Feature
- Remote Alarm
A feature packed compact advanced lubrication controller for small and medium lubrication systems. The VIP5 controller has been designed with an extensive set of parameters that offer unrivalled ease and flexibility for controlling and monitoring your automatic lubrication system – from a simple timed system, injector, progressive or dual line system.
Features & Benefits
- Cycle Mode - This “conventional” operating mode allows the lubrication system to remain on standby either with a time based system, an external signal or a combination of both. When using a combined mode you can decide if the timer should initiate a Lubrication cycle or flag an alarm condition because no signal has been detected within the timeout.
- Pulse Mode - This new operating mode allows the external signal to drive both the Standby and Lubrication Phase whilst allowing you to connect your cycle or pressure switch to monitor that your system is operating correctly for the entire duration of the Lubrication Phase. A Suspend Timer function allows the system to suspend the lubrication phase if the driving external signal ceases. This operating mode is ideal for chain or conveyor lubrication where the amount of lubrication is determined by the movement of the conveyor, yet the correct output of lubricant is determined by a cycle or pressure switch connected to the metering devices.
- Flow Mode - Another new operating mode turns your VIP5 controller into a simple Flow Measuring device. Simply set the flow value and units that each impulse represents and the VIP5 display turns into a flow meter instantly display the flow rate going through your system. A Minimum and Maximum Flow level can be set to give you a local and remote alarm
- When using VIP5 in Cycle mode, the PULSE input can be used to suspend the Lubrication Cycle.
- When the unit is powered down it can save its current status, so that when it is powered back up, it can continue from where it left off – even if it was in the middle of a lubrication cycle.
- The VIP5 allows you decide which alarm conditions should halt the lubrication system.

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